My learning diary

Some Git

I didn’t realise my pull request was between branches of the same repository. Not sure if my friend realised. I moved the feature branch’s latest updates to my fork’s feature branch. I then made another pull request. I used the following commands to straighten things out:

# Create a local branch with the same name as the origin remote feature branch
git checkout -b feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators

# Pull in the changes from the origin remote
git pull

# Set the upstream to the origin remote feature branch
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators

# Check the remotes and their URLs
git remote -v

# Add the remote for my fork
git remote add jiayee [email protected]:jia1/core.git

# Push the pulled changes to my fork
git push jiayee

# Set the upstream to the fork's remote feature branch
git branch --set-upstream-to=jiayee/feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators

# Remove the origin remote feature branch
git push origin --delete feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators

I got the following output when I ran the git remote -v command:

origin	[email protected]:calcsg/core.git (fetch)
origin	[email protected]:calcsg/core.git (push)

On hindsight, I could have changed the remote for push. Then, I wouldn’t need to introduce another set of fetch and push remotes. For the sake of ending this post on a good note, I proceeded to make improvements:

# Set push origin remote to my fork
git remote set-url --push origin [email protected]:jia1/core.git

# Remove the set of fetch and push remote for my fork
git remote remove jiayee

# Push (no-op) and set the upstream to push origin remote (i.e. my fork)
git push --set-upstream origin feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators

My feature branch stopped tracking its remote branch because I removed the remote. That was why I called another git push. The git push didn’t push anything because the remote branch was up-to-date. And, as expected, git remote -v looks like:

origin	[email protected]:calcsg/core.git (fetch)
origin	[email protected]:jia1/core.git (push)
