My learning diary

Core React Training Day 2

Day 2 was a continuation of our understanding of the useEffect hook. Some of concepts mentioned were concepts I “felt” while getting my hands dirty. The workshop was a conducive environment to make these concepts known to me more.

  • The dependency array in useEffect does diffs by identity.
    • For primitives, we diff by value.
    • For objects, we diff by memory location.
      • We need to be careful when placing non-primitives into the dependency array. We risk getting into infinite loops.
  • Ways to get into an infinite loop:
    • Placing setMyState into the return (render) value unconditionally. This means we run setMyState, change myState and trigger re-renders.
  • useEffect can offer the functionalities of both componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate by configuring the dependency array.
    • useEffect with a non-vacant dependency array is similar to a componentDidUpdate with an if statement checking the state of the dependency.
  • We can’t run setMyState on an unmounted component. There can be race conditions where the component can either be mounted or unmounted when we run useEffect.
  • useEffect can return a cleanup function in the form: return () => {}; (docs)
  • There is no built-in API to check if a component is mounted.
useEffect(() => {
  // Do API call with courseSlug with .then(course => setCourse(course))
}, [courseSlug]);
// This can lead to race conditions and memory leak.
// If we click rapidly, only the last API call survives.
  • So, do it yourself. These are equivalent:
// Inside a functional component
useEffect(() => {
  let mounted = true;
  if (mounted) {
    // Set state in API callback
  return () => {
    mounted = false;
}, [courseSlug]);

// Class component
class YourComp {
  let mounted = true;
  // ...
  componentWillUnmount() {
    mounted = false;
// Read:
  • const mountedRef = useRef(true); // synonomous with a mutable state that does not cause re-render
  • Can you have more than one effect per component? Yes. There is no need to merge effects into one big useEffect.
  • Do you need cleanups? Not always.
  • Side effects should run after render phases Which render phases? Not all. We don’t want to run side effects on the server (SSR). Running side effects on render phase = any amount of bugs can come (legacy docs).


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