My learning diary

Numerical IDs in MongoDB

Auto-generated IDs in MongoDB are “strange” strings. I quote “strange” because they are actually derived not out of nowhere despite looking like they had nothing to do with anything. But to users, these IDs are strange. I had a collection of documents with a name property. Originally, name was annotated with @Id. But it meant that I couldn’t change the value of name. name was also annotated with regex validation (@Pattern(.

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Abstract classes and AOP

I wanted to avoid writing boilerplate code for CRUD in Spring Boot. But I failed - I couldn’t make my child aspect get along with my child controller. Before adopting AOP, I had an abstract controller which the child controller inherited. CRUD worked well and I no longer needed to repeat the code for simple CRUD anymore. I was happy. // MyAbstractController public abstract class MyAbstractController<T extends UniversalModel> { private final .

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Super Thinking Chapter 01

Being Wrong Less Inverse thinking. Instead of thinking how you can save money, think about how you can reduce your expenses. Unforced error. A personal shortcoming which can be controlled. Anti-fragile. Treating setbacks as challenges and thriving on them. Keep it simple, stupid! Arguing from first principles. De-risking. Challenging assumptions and verifying or debunking them. Premature optimisation. Minimum viable product. Ockham’s razor. “The simplest explanation is usually the right one.” Conjunction fallacy.

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I found myself entangled in CSS. I needed app-header to stick to the top at all times. I also needed template-header to be right beneath app-header at all times. Lastly, embedded-content should begin immediately after template-header and shouldn’t be sticky. Here’s how the page organisation might look like: <div class="app"> <div class="app-header"> <!-- Content --> </div> <div class="app-content"> <div class="template-container"> <div class="template-header"> <!-- Content --> </div> <div class="embedded-content"> <!-- Content --> </div> </div> </div> </div> The simplest approach is to place app-header and template-header inside a single div.

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reCaptcha on-error

Polling wasn’t effective because: Hot reloading didn’t happen because of some heap limit error. I called the wrong function to check if the reCaptcha errored. To deal with the heap limit, my buddy suggested updating the docker-dev script in package.json to: { "scripts": { "docker-dev": "export NODE_OPTIONS=\"--max-old-space-size=4096\" && ..." } } As for checking if the reCaptcha errored, neither on-expire nor captchaService.isValid worked. A possible explanation for the former would be that the reCaptcha didn’t expire.

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