My learning diary

Reaping the Benefits

Section 3: “Reaping the Benefits” This section connects better listening and information management to better decision-making and benefits that can span entire organisations. Chapter 12: “Connecting Better Listening to Better Judgment” Learning from others and constantly reconstructing ideas leads to discoveries and insights. Chapter 13: “Changing Your Organisation through Listening” “Foster a more disciplined and productive organisation.” The example raised was the organisation of organisation-wide meetings. In these meetings, speakers need to be well-prepared and adhere to strict requirements.

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Sorting the Chaos

Section 2: “Sorting the Chaos” This section breaks down information from general business problems into suggested components. It also lists the questions to ask ourselves so that we remain focused and productive. Suggested information compartments: Mandate Plan Team Execution Personal Chapter 7: “What Is the Mandate?” “Why are we here?” (Vision, mission, agenda, etc.) So that we don’t lose track and get mesmerised by less important things “Are there any misalignments?

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Power Listening by Bernard T Ferrari

I’ve been borrowing ebooks from NLB ever since I bought my Kobo. I find it difficult to listen in Zoom meetings, so I hope to learn something from this book named “Power Listening” by Bernard T. Ferrari. I also have difficulty remembering things, so I summarised my takeaways below. I recommend reading the book and penning down notes so that you can appreciate the art of listening based on real-world examples and remember what you need to do to be a good listener.

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pip uninstall All

I found a one-liner which can uninstall all pip packages: pip3 freeze | grep -v "^-e" | xargs sudo pip3 uninstall -y I used to do the following: pip3 freeze > reqs.txt sudo pip3 uninstall -r reqs.txt I didn’t realise I could do pip uninstall -r reqs.txt -y and get rid of those confirmation questions. And I’m pretty sure I messed up the actual requirements file at least once when adopting this approach.

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Some Git

I didn’t realise my pull request was between branches of the same repository. Not sure if my friend realised. I moved the feature branch’s latest updates to my fork’s feature branch. I then made another pull request. I used the following commands to straighten things out: # Create a local branch with the same name as the origin remote feature branch git checkout -b feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators # Pull in the changes from the origin remote git pull # Set the upstream to the origin remote feature branch git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators feat/simple-compound-interest-calculators # Check the remotes and their URLs git remote -v # Add the remote for my fork git remote add jiayee git@github.

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